Hoops in the Hood: Winter League

Back of the Yards College Prep 2111 W. 47th St, Chicago, IL

10- week basketball league for 7th& 8th graders in the neighborhood.____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: LISC Chicago, State Farm, BYNC Contact: Oscar Contreras...

Movie at the Park

John H Hamline Elementary School 4747 S Bishop St, Chicago, IL

Family movie viewing with food. FREE FOR ALL!___________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9th District Sub CBO: CP4 Peace, CAPS Contact:Oscar Contreras/George Cardoso Contact Number:773-447-4106

Target Area “All Card Game Night”

Lindblom Park 6054 S Damen Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "All Card Game Night" You are invited to join us as we come together to interact, learn, teach one another how to play different card games....

Target Area “Power of a Women Celebration”

Ogden Park 6500 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Power of a Woman Celebration" You are invited to join us as we show admiration to all the women as we celebrate Women's History Month. Raffles...

Hoops in the Hood: Winter League

Back of the Yards College Prep 2111 W. 47th St, Chicago, IL

10- week basketball league for 7th& 8th graders in the neighborhood.____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: LISC Chicago, State Farm, BYNC Contact: Oscar Contreras...

NSLV Soccer

Little Village Academy 2620 S. Lawndale Chicago, IL 60623, Chicago, IL

Description Here: Neighborhood Sports Little Village is designed to bring out community members of target ages to engage in activity. Sports drinks and water are provided at the event ____________________...

Claretian March Light In The Night

Lost Boys Inc 1818 E 71st St, Chicago, Illinois

March Light In The Night____________________ Neighborhood: South Shore Police District:04 Sub CBO: Contact: James Sims Contact Number: 773-791-0674

BTB March Project Play

Gary/Ortiz school campus 3000 S Lawndale, 60623, Chicago IL, Chicago, IL

Public space activitation. Free Food and Activities for all ages! Music, sports, art, loteria, etc.____________________ Neighborhood: Little Village Police District: 10 District Sub CBO: Beyond the Ball Contact: David Serrano...

Hoops in the Hood: Winter League

Back of the Yards College Prep 2111 W. 47th St, Chicago, IL

10- week basketball league for 7th& 8th graders in the neighborhood.____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: LISC Chicago, State Farm, BYNC Contact: Oscar Contreras...

Movie at the Park

Cornell Square Park 1809 W 50th St, Chicago, IL

Family movie viewing with food. FREE FOR ALL!___________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9th District Sub CBO: CP4 Peace, CAPS Contact:Oscar Contreras/George Cardoso Contact Number:773-447-4106

Target Area “Sing Your Hearts Out – Let’s Sing”

Lindblom Park 6054 S Damen Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Sing Your Hearts Out - Let's Sing". You are invited to join us as we come together and have all age groups from the community show...

Easter Celebration

New Life Community Church 4155 S. Rockwell St., Chicago, IL

The event will provide food, music, and resources for the community in the month March Neighborhood: Brighton Park EastPolice District: District 9Sub CBO: Contact: Pedro LopezContact Number: 773-503-2733


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Our Mission

Metropolitan Peace Initiatives (MPI), a division of Metropolitan Family Services, convenes community-based and citywide organizations to help heal Chicago’s communities experiencing the highest levels of gun violence.

Metropolitan Peace Initiatives
2100 S Morgan St, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 986-4301

© 2025 Metropolitan Family Services