ALSO Hosts the 28th Annual Walk for Peace in North Lawndale

ALSO Hosts the 28th Annual Walk for Peace in North Lawndale

Community members, stakeholders and civic leaders rallied together for the 28th annual Walk for Peace hosted by the Alliance of Social Service Organizations (ALSO) on Saturday, June 3, 2023 in North Lawndale. The event, launched at Orr Academy High School, featured family and youth activities including a barbecue lunch, games, face painting and a bounce…

Communities Partnering 4 Peace Street Outreach in action

Northwestern University Corners Research Confirms CP4P Partners Saving Lives

Northwestern University CORNERS Research Confirms CP4P Partners Saving Lives A new report, released by Northwestern University’s Center forNeighborhood Engaged Research and Science (CORNERS), shows a coalition of Chicago community violence intervention (CVI) organizations known as Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P) are reducing gun violence in Chicago’s neighborhoods most impacted by violence. “Our results found evidence…