ALSO Game Night

Horner Park 2741 West Montrose Avenue

Join us in Albany Park for a free outdoor game night! The community will come together to enjoy free food, games, activities, resources and more! Neighborhood: Albany ParkPolice District: 17th District Beat 1724Sub CBO: Contact: Zoilo RamosContact Number: (773) 655-0441

Community Softball Game

Willye B White Park 1610 W Howard, Chicago, Illinois

Anyone is welcome to show up and play at this community softball game, co-hosted with Alderwoman Maria Hadden.There will be BBQ (first come first served), music, and a good summertime vibe!Contact: Zerell Davis, Program SupervisorContact Number: 773-355-1069

Light In The Night in partnership with Chicago Park District

Franklin Park 4320 W 15th St., Chicago, IL

There will be Fun, Basketball tournment,Food and games Art Making,book bag giveaway. Neighborhood: North Lawndale Police District: 10th District Sub CBO: Open Books, Stone Temple Church Contact: Dewayne Morehead Contact Number: 1-630-805-1487

Light In The Night is in Partnership with community Organizations.

Herzel School 3711 W. Douglass, Chicago, IL

There will be Vendor, Food, Games and Bounce House & Game Truck & Basketball Neighborhood: North Lawndale Police District: 10th District Sub CBO: Open Books, Contact: Dewayne Morehead Contact Number: 1-630-805-1487


STREET BLOCK 2300 W 50th St, Chicago, IL

Free for all: Zumba Class, Healthy Food, Raffle Prizes, Fun Activities, and Community Resources. ____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: Institute for Nonviolence Chicago, Chicago Department of Public Health, Community Policing Contact: Oscar Contreras Contact Number: 773-447-4105

Back to School

Sherman Park 1301 West 52nd Street, Chicago, IL

Come out and join us for some fun back-to-school activities.____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: Chicago Public Library Sherman Park Contact: Oscar Contreras Contact Number: 773-447-4105

Westhaven Park, Together Chicago Back to School Rally

2300 Block of W. Warren (Between Oakley Ave. and Western Ave) Chicago, Illinois

A time for the community to encourage our returning students         Police District 12Together Chicago  Contact: Ed Peecher 773-680-1647


food, entertainment , PUB ED.____________________ Neighborhood: Austin Police District: 25th District Contact: Sam Castro Contact Number: 630-710-0004

Breakthrough/Violence Prevention Hub: Open House & Pop up

Violence Prevention HUB 214 N. Homan, Chicago, IL

Join Breakthrough Violence Prevention team at our open house. We will showcasing our new violence prevention hub meanwhile hosting a community pop-up for the community. A tour of the facility and departments will be present. Food and small actvities will be hosted outside. East Garfield ParkPolice District: 11th District Sub CBO:Contact: Danielle PetersonContact Number: 773-726-9659

Project HOOD Neighborhood Resource Awareness Block by Block

Neighborhood Corner (67th and Blackstone) 67th and Blackstone

Bringing services and resources to the block that would have a positive impact of the lives of our target population. Food, Music, and information. CPD Police District: 003Contact person: James HighsmithContact Number: 773-512-5710

Summer Softball

Pitrowski Park 4247 W 31st St,, Chicago, IL

Summer Softball is designed to bring out community members of target ages to engage in softball and carnival activities. Food is provided at the event in order to bring out community members. ____________________ Neighborhood: Little Village Police District: 10th Sub CBO: New Life Contact: Epi Diaz Contact Number: 773-412-0283

Target Area “Kick It Off for Peace Community Kick Ball Game”

Ogden Park 6500 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Kick It Out for Peace Community Kick Ball Game" You are invited to join us as we have a community game of Kick Ball and a day of fun with our community" There will be free food, games, Raffles & Gifts for communiy members throughout the event. ____________________ Neighborhood: East Englewood...


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Our Mission

Metropolitan Peace Initiatives (MPI), a division of Metropolitan Family Services, convenes community-based and citywide organizations to help heal Chicago’s communities experiencing the highest levels of gun violence.

Metropolitan Peace Initiatives
2100 S Morgan St, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 986-4301

© 2025 Metropolitan Family Services