Webster Elementary 4055 W Arthington, Chicagofood, entertainment , PUB ED.____________________ Neighborhood: Austin Police District: 25th District Contact: Sam Castro Contact Number: 630-710-0004
food, entertainment , PUB ED.____________________ Neighborhood: Austin Police District: 25th District Contact: Sam Castro Contact Number: 630-710-0004
Public space activitation. Free Food and Activities for all ages! Music, sports, zumba, art, loteria, etc.____________________ Neighborhood: Little Village Police District: 10 District Sub CBO: Beyond the Ball Contact: David...
Free for all: Zumba Class, Healthy Food, Raffle Prizes, Fun Activities, and Community Resources. ____________________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9 District Sub CBO: Institute for Nonviolence Chicago,...
Event is designed to create a safe space with residents in the immediate surroundings of the school. The event is to promote sports and play and other activities for a...
Breakthrough is hosting a pop-up for the community in order to reduce violence in a high-risk location. We will be serving food and providing resources for the community. Neighborhood: East...
Target Area DevCorp presents "Community Back to the School" You are invited to join us as we have a community Back to School Bash as we prepare our youth to...
Metropolitan Peace Initiatives (MPI), a division of Metropolitan Family Services, convenes community-based and citywide organizations to help heal Chicago’s communities experiencing the highest levels of gun violence.
Metropolitan Peace Initiatives
2100 S Morgan St, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 986-4301
© 2025 Metropolitan Family Services