Columbus Park 500 S. Central, Chicago, IL

FOOD, GAMES, MUSIC, FACE PAINTING AND MORE____________________ Neighborhood: Austin Police District: District Sub CBO: Contact: [Nekenya Hardy Contact Number: 312-270-4913

INVC-WGF Light in the event

Hefferan School 4400 W. Adams, Chicago, IL

FOOD,GAMES,MUSIC,GAME TRUCK,FUN AND MORE____________________ Neighborhood:WEST GARFIELD PARK Police District: 11TH District Sub CBO: Contact: NEKENYA HARDY Contact Number:312-270-4913

Target Area “Community Open Mic Night”

AFC Center 7859 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Community Open Mic Night" You are invited to join us as we have a community Open Mic where the community will have the opportunity to display their talent and enjoy each other. There will be free food, games, Raffles & Gifts for communiy members throughout the event. ____________________ Neighborhood: Auburn Gresham...

Movie at the Park

Cornell Square Park 1809 W 50th St, Chicago, IL

Family movie viewing with food. FREE FOR ALL!___________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9th District Sub CBO: CP4 Peace, CAPS, Contact:Oscar Contreras/Jorge Cardoso Contact Number:773-447-4106

NSLV Volleyball

Little Village Academy 2620 S. Lawndale Chicago, IL 60623, Chicago, IL

Neighborhood Sports Little Village is designed to bring out community members of target ages to engage in activity. Sports drinks and water are provided at the event ____________________ Neighborhood: Little Village Police District: 10th Sub CBO: New Life Contact: Epi Diaz Contact Number: 773-412-0283

Breakthrough- Friendsgiving X ChiGivesBack

Breakthrough Familyplex 3219 W. Carroll, Chicago, IL

Breakthrough is collaborating with ChiGivesBack for Friendsgiving. Friendsgiving is for families in the community to come out and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal and entertainment with other neighbors. There will be a winter essentials giveaway and a Kids Corner for youth to enjoy while at dinner. RSVP link will be posted October 31st. Neighborhood: East Garfield...

Movie at the Park

Davis Square Park 4430 South Marshall Avenue, Chicago, IL

Family movie viewing with food. FREE FOR ALL!___________ Neighborhood: Back of the Yards Police District: 9th District Sub CBO: CP4 Peace, CAPS Contact:Oscar Contreras/Jorge Cardoso Contact Number:773-447-4106

Target Area “Thanksgiving Dinner”

Ogden Park 6500 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Thanksgiving Dinner Night" You are invited to join us as we for a night of Thanksgiving as we enjoy dinner and games with the community as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Raffles & Gifts for communiy members throughout the event. ____________________ Neighborhood: West Englewood Police District: 7th District Sub CBO: Chicago Park District,...

Community Game Night

Target Area Englewood Office 1504 W 63rd St, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Paint & Sip for Peace". Come Join Us as we paint and sip (NON ALCHOLIC) drinks to express graftfulness for the Thanksgiving Season with the Community. There will also be Raffles & Gifts for community members throughout the event. Free Food, Music, and a Safe Place where everyone can enjoy themselves____________________...

Chill Set Community Resource Fair

National Museum of Mexican Art 1852 W. 19th st, Chicago, IL

The event will provide food, music and art for the community in the month of November Neighborhood: PilsenPolice District: District 12Sub CBO: Contact: Cuitlahuac HerediaContact Number: 773-343-5717

Community Movie Night

Ogden Park 6500 S Racine Ave, Chicago, IL

Target Area DevCorp presents "Thanksgiving Bingo Night" You are invite to join Us for a Night of fun playing Bingo in the Community. We are looking to bring the community together to enjoy a night Bingo in peace during the Thanksgiving season. There will also be Raffles & Gifts for communiy members throughout the event....

Back of the Yards 5K Run/Walk

Union Stockyards Exchange Halsted & Exchange Ave, Chicago, Illinois

Please join the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council in celebrating the first Back of the Yards 5K Turkey Run/Walk. Starting at the historic Union Stock Yard Gate, participants will travel through the Stockyard Industrial Park and surrounding neighborhood for a for a fun and healthy event for the whole family. Registration is FREE for...


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Metropolitan Peace Initiatives
2100 S Morgan St, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 986-4301

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