Communities Partnering 4 Peace
Nonviolence, trauma-informed care, hyper-local collaboration, restorative justice practices.

Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P), convened by the Metropolitan Peace Initiatives, is a coalition of local Chicago providers that provide community violence intervention, a comprehensive, long-term approach to reducing gun violence in communities at highest risk.
How CP4P Works
- Hyper-local approach: partner organizations adapt CP4P’s model to fit their unique needs, engaging their residents and partners as part of the solution to gun violence
- Putting the power in communities’ hands: CP4P relies on authentic, trusted relationships, facilitated by local organizations informed in peace, trauma, and wraparound services
- Developing a professional understanding with the Chicago Police Department, built and maintained on mutual trust and respect between CP4P’s outreach workers and CPD
Street Outreach
Relationship-based interventions prevent violence.
- Street outreach workers identify and respond to threats/incidents
- Intervention involves using strategies to de-escalate tensions, control rumors, and support families of victims and perpetrators of violence to prevent the next shooting
- Pre-release and re-entry services: relationship development with returning citizens and connections to key resources helps prepare for family and community reunification
Case Management
Proactive services mitigate further high-risk situations.
- Case Managers connect individuals at risk of becoming victims or perpetrators of violence with supportive services
- Services include: legal and restorative justice, employment, family support, trauma-informed mental health, substance abuse services
Light In the Night
Free events empower communities to reclaim safe spaces.
- View our Light in the Night Calendar here for upcoming events
- Partner organizations host events in public spaces, for all in their community
- Gatherings feature food and activities for all ages, offering productive alternatives and creating access to the parks for everyone